Our friends at Pedro and Tailor, a new lifestyle apparel company, believe that everyone deserves a life of wonder. Rather than moving forward with the launch of their brand in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, they’re postponing until the fall and instead have decided to do what they can to help the creative community.
In partnership with The Grey NATO podcast, Pedro and Tailor are hosting a photography contest with a grand prize of $1,000 to help one lucky photographer thrive over the next few months of fallout due to the quarantine.
The theme of the photo contest is simply: A Life of Wonder. Submissions will be judged by a panel of industry pros like Chris Burkard, India Earl, James Stacey, and others. Head over to pedroandtailor.com for all the details and submission form and get your best shot in by April 7th. Winners will be announced on Friday, April 17th on Pedro and Tailor’s Instagram. Good luck.